Nine master artisans patiently produce only 7-9 pairs a day. Our unwavering devotion to limited production has allowed us to cultivate lasting relationships with many of our clients. It enforces our convictions that behind every Bontoni shoe lies a personal story.
Bound by our respect for craftsmanship and authenticity, Bontoni has always been committed to protecting the integrity of classic Marchigiano shoemaking methods. From start to finish, every shoe is still handmade. Rather than embracing factory mechanization and factory expansion, we prefer to focus exclusively on the integrity of our product.
In our bottega, nine master artisans patiently produce just under 2100 pairs of shoes a year. From start to finish, each pair takes about 12-14 weeks to complete and nearly 26 working hours. This limited production and capacity prevent us from having any stored inventory in our workshop and ensures that each pair is truly unique.
Our small workshop in the bosky hills of Montegranaro has welcomed multiple visitors from around the world. Many come to check on the progress of their shoes and are beguiled by the level of focus and detail necessary to each step of the shoemaking process. Bontoni’s unwavering devotion to limited production allowed us to cultivate lasting relationships with many of our clients. It enforces our convictions that behind every Bontoni shoe lies a personal story.
Bound by our respect for craftsmanship and authenticity, Bontoni has always been committed to protecting the integrity of classic Marchigiano shoemaking methods. From start to finish, every shoe is still handmade. Rather than embracing factory mechanization and factory expansion, we prefer to focus exclusively on the integrity of our product. In our home-based workshop, eight master artisans patiently produce just 2940 pairs of shoes a year. From start to finish, each pair of shoes takes months to complete and nearly 26 man-hours. This limited production and capacity prevent us from having any stored inventory in our workshop and ensures that each pair is truly unique.
Our small workshop in the bosky hills of Sant’Elpidio A Mare has welcomed multiple visitors from around the world. Many come to check on the progress of their shoes and are beguiled by the level of focus and detail necessary to each step of the shoemaking process. Bontoni’s unwavering devotion to limited production allowed us to cultivate lasting relationships with many of our clients. It enforces our convictions that behind every Bontoni shoe lies a personal story.